As part of the government’s attack on forced marriages the government has issues a great deal for forced marriage guidance to be found here.
The range of forced marriage guidance is impressive. Much more is given than possibly any other change in the law. The guidance includes:
Multi-Agency Statutory Guidance for dealing with forced marriage
Multi-Agency practice guidelines: Handling cases of forced marriage
2010 Review of implementation of statutory guidance
eLearning training for professionals
Guidance for Members of Parliament and constituency offices
The FMU also runs an outreach programme across the UK to raise awareness of forced marriage. FMU has delivered outreach events to a number of statutory agencies including:
- Local Authority Safeguarding Teams across England and Wales
- Police Forces across England and Wales
- The UK Judiciary
- Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) across England and Wales
- Women’s Aid
- Victim Support
- A variety of Charities and NGOs
- A number of secondary schools and colleges across England and Wales
- A number of Airport officials across the UK, including UKBA and Airline Carrier staff
The Government has also created the Domestic Programme Fund (DPF) to provide funding to charities for small-sized projects in the UK that will deliver against objectives.